The analysis of controls and their subjective difficulty is done. Interesting spread for control 10 to 12!
Plain facts: control 4, 7, 12 and 14 did not exist on this day. They were classified as easy, difficult, medium and easy to medium by the 11 runners. Notably, control 9 was only found by 1 subject. Also control 10 was stamped by just half of all runners. Though 10 was seen as harder to find then 9. Below a summary. Difficulty is scored as 1 for easy and 3 for hard. So the higher the score the more difficult subjects said the control was. Found is the percentage of runners who found the control. A score of 1 means that all found it, a score of 0 (which is true for 4, 7, 12, 14) means no one found the control. Control 5, 9 and 10 are so called "giving ups". Control 4, 7, 12 and 14 are no chance controls. I hope to find time to analyse the GPS tracks, i.e. time spent near the controls in the not so far future - but first testing migratory birds.